Updated information on both of the above has now been posted.
The Social Purpose Report and Plans for the Year are on the "About" webpage. The Turkey Shoot information is located on the "Meals on Wheels" webpage.
Time to get ready for the Meals on Wheels fundraiser Turkey Shoot to be held on April 17, starting at 10 a.m. For those of you who haven't attended before, this is a fun day of shooting while raising money for the Skagit County Meals on Wheel Program. Last year, due to COVID, this event had to be cancelled. However, thanks to everybody's generosity, the club was still able to donate over $3000 to this project. Come on out on the 17th and help to increase this year's donation amount!
Saturday was the Annual Shareholders' Meeting for Moose Old Skagit Gun Club. The Gun Club is a Social Purpose Corporation in the State of Washington. At the meeting recognition was made of the contributions by shareholders, members, shooters, and various companies--all which make it possible for the club to continue to operate and thrive. (Particularly given the circumstances of the past year.) Thank you everybody! (More information regarding the accomplishments of the club in 2020 and the plans for 2021 will be listed in the Social Purpose Report for 2020 which will be posted shortly on the "About" webpage.) Also on Saturday, at practice, a special thing happened. Colton Thompson broke 75 straight targets (a personal best for him) and then continued on to hit 100 straight. Congratulations and good shooting!! |
AuthorSherry Greene Archives
December 2024
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